16 common mistakes that can cost a landlord money

November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023 admin

Investing can be a tricky business. Investing in property can be even trickier – it’s not simply about buying a property, you have tenants, maintenance and many other things to deal with. We’ve listed some of the common mistakes that landlords can make that end up costing them money:

  1. Poor Tenant Screening

Failing to thoroughly screen tenants can lead to unpaid rent, property damage and eviction costs. Always check rental history, references and tenancy databases.

  1. Neglecting Maintenance

Avoiding necessary repairs or maintenance can lead to more significant and expensive problems down the road. Regular upkeep is essential to preserve the property’s value.

  1. Setting the Wrong Rent

Overpricing can lead to extended vacancies, while underpricing can result in lost income. Research the local market and set competitive rents.

  1. No Written Lease

Verbal agreements or incomplete leases can lead to disputes and financial losses. A written lease should outline all terms and responsibilities.

  1. Ignoring Legal Requirements

Failing to comply with local, state and federal rental laws can lead to fines, lawsuits and financial penalties. Stay informed about your legal obligations as a landlord.

  1. Failure to Conduct Inspections

Not inspecting the property regularly can result in damages going unnoticed until it becomes costly to repair. It also enables you to get a better idea of whether your tenant is keeping up with their responsibilities with regards to the lease. Conduct routine inspections and address issues promptly.

  1. Inadequate Insurance

Not having the property insurance coverage can leave you vulnerable to significant financial losses. Ensure you have landlord insurance to protect your investment.

  1. Neglecting Security

Inadequate security measures can lead to theft, vandalism and property damage. It is also a requirement of the recently introduced Minimum Housing Standards that all windows and doors that are accessible without a ladder should have working locks. Invest in security features such as proper locks, alarms and lighting to protect your property.

  1. Ineffective Communication

Poor communication with tenants can lead to misunderstandings, disputes and legal issues. Maintain clear and professional communication with your tenants.

  1. Not Budgeting for Vacancies

Failing to budget for periods when the property is vacant can strain your finances. Plan for vacancies and have a financial cushion to cover expenses during such times.

  1. Discrimination

Discriminating against tenants based on factors such as race, religion, gender or disability can result in costly discrimination lawsuits.

  1. Inadequate Documentation

Failing to keep records of all financial transactions and communication with tenants can make it challenging to prove your case in disputes or legal matters.

  1. Emotional Decision Making

Making decisions based on emotions rather than sound business judgement can lead to poor choices and financial losses.

  1. Not planning for taxes

Failing to account for property taxes and income taxes can lead to unexpected financial burdens.

  1. Inadequate Marketing

Poor marketing can lead to longer vacancy periods and reduced rental income. Use effective advertising strategies to attract potential tenants.

  1. Lack of Property Management

Trying to manage properties on your own, especially if you have multiple investments, can be overwhelming and lead to mistakes. Considering hiring a professional property management company who can alleviate the burden of many of the items above.

Avoiding these common mistakes, staying educated and informed about landlord-tenant laws and seeking professional advice when needed can significantly help protect your investment and maximise your rental property’s profitability.

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