Property is a large and important investment, and it is essential that you find the right property manager who will care for your property as if it’s their own. Finding the right fit for you is essential, and mistakes can be costly!

We strongly believe as an investor should interview your prospective property manager just as you would if you had a job opening. And just like an interview, you should have a list of questions prepared to thoroughly vet your candidates!

We have done the hard work for you so that you can ensure your valuable asset is being taken care of properly.

What do you offer
that others do not?

A solution for your property management and maintenance needs…in one convenient location

Errigal Property offers you not just any property management service. We have blended all of the traditional elements of property management and added more. Adding value, subtracting the hassle.

We see what others don’t

Errigal Property looks at property management through the lens of a landlord and a builder. We have centered our services around the core principle of keeping your property in great shape at a reasonable cost, which helps attract better tenants, a higher rental yield and ultimately more dollars in your pocket. And with exclusive access to our inhouse maintenance team able to carry out the repairs, we can put our money where our mouth is. In fact, we will beat any comparable maintenance quote.

Reduce unnecessary call-out fees

What’s more, all maintenance requests are reviewed by our maintenance team, as opposed to a regular property manager. With over 60% of landlords believing that they are being charged unnecessary call-out fees, this gives you the assurance that the right trade is sent at the right time.

We even help with your depreciation schedules!

Because we carry out the maintenance, we can also help with your depreciation schedules which can really assist your accountant at tax time.

No other agency in Brisbane offers a blended property management/maintenance service!

Should I read online reviews?

Do your due diligence. Be aware that reviews can be easily faked however, it is still worthwhile paying attention to any negative reviews, and especially how the agency may have handled them with their responses. This will give you a good idea of how they conduct business.

Can I speak to your current clients?

Errigal Property has built great relationships with our clients, and we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service. We would be happy to put you in touch with our satisfied clients – just ask!

Can you handle property bills
on our behalf?

In short – yes, we can. Errigal Property is more than happy to have your bills sent directly to us for payment from the rent that has been collected. The benefit of this is that your annual statement will reflect all bills – helpful at tax time! Please note handling your bills does not incur any additional charges.

Will I have a dedicated property manager?
How many properties do they look after?

It goes without saying that an overworked property manager is not an effective property manager! And that if something is ‘everyone’s responsibility’, then sometimes that can mean it is ‘no-one’s responsibility’. We at Errigal Property assign you a dedicated property manager who will get to know you, your property and your tenants to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience. We also believe a property manager should have a maximum portfolio of 100 properties. Even the best and most dedicated property manager simply cannot provide quality service if their portfolio is too large.

Our property managers are also backed by the Errigal maintenance team who help alleviate the stress and frustration experienced by property manager, landlord and tenant alike when it comes to maintenance issues.

What is your fee structure?
Are there any hidden charges?

It’s important to read the fine print when talking about commissions and fees. Some agencies may have a lower management fee, however, charge for items such as inspections, reports or admin fees. At Errigal Property, we have a flat management fee that is all-inclusive of all standard property management services. Our rates are clear and transparent, and the only additional costs you will incur are for things such as reletting costs and advertising.

It’s also important to consider that not all property management is created equal, and while someone may have a lower management fee, if tenants are not screened correctly, the property is mismanaged or if the vacancy period between tenants is extensive, this can incur a much greater cost than anticipated. To put it into perspective, your property being vacant for just one week is equivalent to roughly 2% commission annually.

Furthermore, as we will beat any comparable maintenance quote, you can be assured that your costs in this area will also be reduced.

How often will you inspect my property?

Queensland legislation dictates that routine inspections cannot be carried out more than once every three months. As Errigal Property is committed to ensuring your property remains in great shape, we arrange our first routine inspection two months after a new tenant has moved in. This helps us capture any needs that need to be addressed.

Following on from that, we schedule further inspections every 3 months. Any tenancy that may require closer monitoring will be inspected at the maximum permitted by legislation. During our inspections, a thorough check of every room and item is carried out to identify any emerging issues and to ensure the tenant is maintaining your property to an acceptable standard. Photos are taken throughout the inspection, and notes are taken on any issues or maintenance items that may need to be addressed. Errigal Property will then provide you with a report to ensure you are always up-to-date.

Do you outsource any of your services?

Some agencies use third parties to carry out elements of their service, even property inspections!

We at Errigal Property believe effective property management comes down to your property manager knowing YOUR property inside and out. You can be assured we never outsource our services.

You can be guaranteed our team is always 100% locally based and carrying out all aspects of managing your property themselves. As a local team, we also have a depth of knowledge of the geographical area that others may not, which ensures Errigal Property will always give you the best and most up-to-date advice.

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