Why do landlords choose a property manager?

September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023 admin

When developing the concept for Errigal Property, a lot of the information we reviewed seemed to focus on the HOW. How does an agency run? How do we meet legislative compliance? While no doubt these elements are critical, that wasn’t enough for us.

Our vision was to create something different. Something better. To break down the way things have ‘always been done’ and to focus on creating an agency with our clients’ needs and wants at its core.

We wanted to know the WHY of landlords selecting a specific property manager. Was it reputation? Was it trust? Or simply the management fee?

We conducted significant research into the current property management model, identified the frustrations and current flaws. We then brainstormed to find a simpler, more convenient process that would help keep maintenance costs down, return on investment intact, resolve communication issues and ultimately reduce frustration on the part of landlord, tenant and property manager.

What we found surprised us.

There were two key takeaways from our research:

  1. The #1 reason landlords choose a property manager is maintenance
  2. 60% of landlords believe their agencies overcharge on maintenance and that they are charged for unnecessary call-outs

It also was concerning to read the statistics of the longevity of a property manager, with the average time spent in one role being approximately 11 months. And one in 3 leaving the industry altogether claiming ‘overworked, underappreciated and totally stressed out’ (see The churn and burn of the property management industry and why it has to stop here).

The fallout of this churn is a revolving door of property managers who do not know the property or the history; may not have the required experience and knowledge of maintenance to correctly identify which trade to send and when; or how to help tenants to troubleshoot minor issues themselves. Leading to landlords being liable for unnecessary call-out fees.

The property manager then becomes overwhelmed, which leads to them leaving and the cycle begins again.

We’ve seen this countless times – a plumber sent to investigate a leaking shower when in the majority of cases the cause is waterproofing failure, not plumbing. Or sending an electrician out to change lightbulbs that could easily be done by the tenants or owner. All of these call-outs add up and impact on the landlord’s return on investment.

What Errigal Property does differently

  1. Errigal Property’s first step is to conduct a thorough audit and inventory of our client’s property. More than just a standard Entry Condition Report, this evaluation includes recording the make and model of all appliances and any other necessary information such as date of last painting, age of fittings and fixtures etc. We then obtain the manuals for these, easily accessible through our portal for landlords, property managers and tenants alike. In the event something goes wrong, the manual is readily available for troubleshooting purposes.
  2. Errigal Property has an inhouse maintenance team, which no other agency in Brisbane currently offers. Many of the maintenance team are also cross-trained and possess or have almost completed their real estate qualifications. This enables them to offer a unique perspective to our clients that no other agency can.
  3. All maintenance requests are screened by our maintenance team. This eliminates any knowledge gaps for property managers and ensures the right people are sent at the right time. What’s more, because we’re in the same office, communication between property manager and maintenance is seamless.
  4. We understand the value of assets in a property and what makes the most sense financially, ie. replacing a ten-year-old oven instead of repairing it for the fourth time. We also keep all warranty documents readily available, ensuring that warranty repairers are used in the first instance.
  5. Errigal Property is a boutique agency whose core value is to make a better system. If this means having 500 well looked-after properties with happy landlords, tenants and property managers, rather than 2,000 properties with frustrated landlords, tenants and property managers, then we consider that a success.
  6. Furthermore, Errigal Property’s inhouse maintenance team will beat any comparable quote so that landlords can trust they are not being overcharged.

Errigal Property’s primary focus is on property management and regular maintenance. However, we also offer an ErrigalValue service where landlords wanting to improve or cosmetically enhance their property can also take advantage of our services. We offer packages for cosmetic uplifts and Minimum Housing Standards compliance to add value for our clients.

Adding value to owners by reducing maintenance costs is at the heart of what we do. Only Errigal Property has a licensed, qualified inhouse maintenance team that know how to handle issues a regular property manager may not. We can assist tenants with troubleshooting to minimise the need for a call-out. What’s more, we will beat any comparable maintenance quote!

Resolving the two major pain points for landlords in one easy phone call.


Errigal Property is a unique Brisbane-based property management agency that has blended property management with an experienced, licensed in-house maintenance team to save you on maintenance and repair costs. Brisbane’s most qualified Property Managers! Get in touch now to see the difference.