Just Different



Monica McCafferty & Fergus Reid

Licensees/Managing Directors

Irish-born and bred, Monica and Fergus have called Australia home for more than a decade and can’t think of a better place to raise their young family. They are both passionate about property investment, with their own portfolio both here and overseas. They understand the reality of investing in property, the pain points and the desire to maximise the potential of your investments. They also understand how vital a good property manager and maintenance plan are to ensure this happens.

Monica McCafferty
Licensee/Managing Director

Monica has a savvy eye for the property market and has been identifying and maximising the potential in her own investment portfolio for years. Combined with a long history of working childcare, her patience, eye for detail and thoroughness ensure your property will be treated just like it was her own.

Fergus Reid
Licensee/Managing Director

Fergus is a licensed builder with 15+ years experience. He is also the Managing Director of the successful Northline Developments for the past five years. His understanding of business and capability in identifying maitnenance issues and solutions at your property is second to none.

Connor Quinn
Maintenance Manager/Property Manager

Connor has been Fergus’ right-hand man at Northline Developments for all things repairs and maintenance for many years and is a true jack-of-all-trades.

He’s now added a new tool to his arsenal – his real estate licence! Yes, Connor is now a fully qualified real estate agent. Who better to identify any emerging maintenance issues than the one who carries out the repairs?

Connor also leads the Errigal Property Maintenance Team to ensure all maintenance is carried out to the professional standards you would expect and often at a price that you wouldn’t. His oversight ensures the right trade is sent at the right time.

Rebecca Rumble
Business Development/Property Manager

Rebecca’s family have been in real estate for the majority of her life. You could say she grew up in a real estate office, and in fact her first job was as a property manager. Rebecca has dedicated much of her career to admin and marketing and has extensive experience as an Office Manager/Executive Assistant. For the past two and a half years, she has been working behind the scenes keeping the wheels turning at Northline Developments. She now lends her skillset and oversight to the day-to-day at Errigal Property. Her writing talents and creative ideas can also ensure your property advertisements stand out from the rest.

Head Boss in Charge
Jack of all Trades

The Errigal Property
Maintenance Team

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